Here is information about BIOS class enrollment for spring 2025. Classes with no meeting time listed are not shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/issues. I am happy to add any departments that are missing from these listings, just reach out to ask!
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Data last updated: 2025-01-23 11:56:48.340046
Class Number | Class | Meeting Time | Instructor | Room | Unreserved Enrollment | Reserved Enrollment | Total Enrollment | Wait List |
7495 | BIOS 600 - 001 Principles of Statistical Inference | TuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AM | Jordan Bryan | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1301 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 81/81 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, knowledge of basic descriptive statistics. Major topics include elementary probability theory, probability distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, chi-squared procedures, regression, and correlation. 3 units. | ||||||||
15063 | BIOS 600 - 002 Principles of Statistical Inference | TuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AM | Brian Richardson | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1305 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 25/25 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, knowledge of basic descriptive statistics. Major topics include elementary probability theory, probability distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, chi-squared procedures, regression, and correlation. 3 units. | ||||||||
7508 | BIOS 600 - 601 Principles of Statistical Inference | Tu 3:30PM - 4:50PM | Jordan Bryan | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1301 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 81/81 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, knowledge of basic descriptive statistics. Major topics include elementary probability theory, probability distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, chi-squared procedures, regression, and correlation. 0 units. | ||||||||
15064 | BIOS 600 - 602 Principles of Statistical Inference | Tu 3:30PM - 4:50PM | Brian Richardson | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1305 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 25/25 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, knowledge of basic descriptive statistics. Major topics include elementary probability theory, probability distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, chi-squared procedures, regression, and correlation. 0 units. | ||||||||
8353 | BIOS 635 - 001 Introduction to Machine Learning | TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM | Xihao Li | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2301 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 30/30 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 512 or 650; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisite. This course will be an introductory course to machine learning. The goal is to equip students with knowledge of existing tools for data analysis and to prepare students for more advanced courses in machine learning. Students in the SPH Master of Public Health with a Public Health Data Science concentration receive priority for enrollment. 3 units. | ||||||||
10496 | BIOS 642 - 001 Quantitative Methods for Health Care Professionals II | Tu 11:00AM - 1:05PM | Marcella Boynton | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1304 | 22/40 | Seats filled | 22/40 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 641. Continuation of BIOS 641. Main emphasis is on logistic regression; other topics include exploratory data analysis and survival analysis. Previously offered as PUBH 742. 4 units. | ||||||||
7496 | BIOS 645 - 001 Principles of Experimental Analysis | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Jeff Laux | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1301 | 19/20 | 11/30 | 30/50 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 600 or SPHG 711. Required preparation, basic familiarity with statistical software (preferably SAS able to do multiple linear regression) and introductory biostatistics, such as BIOS 600. Continuation of BIOS 600. Analysis of experimental and observational data, including multiple regression and analysis of variance and covariance. Previously offered as BIOS 545. Permission of the instructor for nonmajors. 3 units. | ||||||||
12285 | BIOS 645 - 002 Principles of Experimental Analysis | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Kara McCormack | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2308 | Seats filled | 38/50 | 38/50 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 600 or SPHG 711. Required preparation, basic familiarity with statistical software (preferably SAS able to do multiple linear regression) and introductory biostatistics, such as BIOS 600. Continuation of BIOS 600. Analysis of experimental and observational data, including multiple regression and analysis of variance and covariance. Previously offered as BIOS 545. Permission of the instructor for nonmajors. 3 units. | ||||||||
7507 | BIOS 645 - 601 Principles of Experimental Analysis | We 3:35PM - 4:35PM | Jeff Laux | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0133 | 30/50 | Seats filled | 30/50 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 600 or SPHG 711. Required preparation, basic familiarity with statistical software (preferably SAS able to do multiple linear regression) and introductory biostatistics, such as BIOS 600. Continuation of BIOS 600. Analysis of experimental and observational data, including multiple regression and analysis of variance and covariance. Previously offered as BIOS 545. Permission of the instructor for nonmajors. 0 units. | ||||||||
12286 | BIOS 645 - 602 Principles of Experimental Analysis | We 3:35PM - 4:35PM | Kara McCormack | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0228 | 38/50 | Seats filled | 38/50 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 600 or SPHG 711. Required preparation, basic familiarity with statistical software (preferably SAS able to do multiple linear regression) and introductory biostatistics, such as BIOS 600. Continuation of BIOS 600. Analysis of experimental and observational data, including multiple regression and analysis of variance and covariance. Previously offered as BIOS 545. Permission of the instructor for nonmajors. 0 units. | ||||||||
7497 | BIOS 661 - 001 Probability and Statistical Inference II | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Feng-Chang Lin | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0235 | 1/10 | 35/50 | 36/60 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 660; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisite. Distribution of functions of random variables; Helmert transformation theory; central limit theorem and other asymptotic theory; estimation theory; maximum likelihood methods; hypothesis testing; power; Neyman-Pearson Theorem, likelihood ratio, score, and Wald tests; noncentral distributions. 3 units. | ||||||||
7498 | BIOS 663 - 001 Intermediate Linear Models | MoWe 1:25PM - 3:10PM | Kara McCormack | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0133 | Seats filled | 51/65 | 51/65 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, BIOS 662. Matrix-based treatment of regression, one-way and two-way ANOVA, and ANCOVA, emphasizing the general linear model and hypothesis, as well as diagnostics and model building. Reviews matrix algebra. Includes statistical power for linear models and binary response regression methods. 4 units. | ||||||||
7499 | BIOS 663 - 601 Intermediate Linear Models | Mo 3:35PM - 4:35PM | Kara McCormack | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2301 | 53/65 | Seats filled | 53/65 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, BIOS 662. Matrix-based treatment of regression, one-way and two-way ANOVA, and ANCOVA, emphasizing the general linear model and hypothesis, as well as diagnostics and model building. Reviews matrix algebra. Includes statistical power for linear models and binary response regression methods. 0 units. | ||||||||
7500 | BIOS 664 - 001 Sample Survey Methodology | MoWe 10:10AM - 11:55AM | Bonnie Shook-Sa, Kimberly Enders | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2306 | Seats filled | 43/45 | 43/45 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 650; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisite. Fundamental principles and methods of sampling populations, with emphasis on simple, random, stratified, and cluster sampling. Sample weights, nonsampling error, and analysis of data from complex designs are covered. Practical experience through participation in the design, execution, and analysis of a sampling project. 4 units. | ||||||||
7593 | BIOS 668 - 001 Design of Public Health Studies | TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM | Beibo Zhao | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2301 | 17/20 | Seats filled | 47/50 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 645 and 650. Statistical concepts in basic public health study designs: cross-sectional, case-control, prospective, and experimental (including clinical trials). Validity, measurement of response, sample size determination, matching and random allocation methods. 3 units. | ||||||||
7559 | BIOS 669 - 001 Working with Data in a Public Health Research Setting | TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM | Kinsey Helton | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0235 | Seats filled | 15/30 | 20/35 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 511 or EPID 700; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisite. Provides a foundation and training for working with data from clinical trials or research studies. Topics: issues in study design, collecting quality data, using SAS and SQL to transform data, typical reports, data closure and export, and working with big data. 3 units. | ||||||||
7570 | BIOS 673 - 001 Intermediate Statistical Inference | Tu 2:00PM - 3:00PM | Feng-Chang Lin | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1304 | 0/5 | 21/35 | 21/40 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 660; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisite; Corequisite, BIOS 661. This course introduces intermediate concepts and theories in statistical inferences, including multivariate transformation, convergence of random vectors, sufficient and complete statistics, methods of estimation, and advanced problems such as information inequality, unbiased estimators, Bayes estimators, asymptotically efficient estimation, nonparametric estimation, and simultaneous confidence intervals. 1 units. | ||||||||
8235 | BIOS 735 - 001 Statistical Computing - Basic Principles and Applications | MoWe 1:25PM - 3:10PM | Naim Rashid | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0228 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 30/30 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 660, 661, 662, and 663. Required preparation, one undergraduate-level programming class. Teaches important concepts and skills for statistical software development using case studies. After this course, students will have an understanding of the process of statistical software development, knowledge of existing resources for software development, and the ability to produce reliable and efficient statistical software. 4 units. | ||||||||
14095 | BIOS 740 - 001 Specialized Methods in Health Statistics | TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM | HONGTU ZHU | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1304 | 36/40 | Seats filled | 36/40 | 0/999 |
Description: Permission of the instructor. Statistical theory applied to special problem areas of timely importance in the life sciences and public health. Lectures, seminars, and/or laboratory work, according to the nature of the special area under study. 1 - 21 units. | ||||||||
7502 | BIOS 761 - 001 Advanced Probability and Statistical Inference II | Mo 11:15AM - 1:00PM | Joseph Ibrahim | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0228 | Seats filled | 20/40 | 20/40 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 760; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisite. Elementary decision theory: admissibility, minimaxity, loss functions, Bayesian approaches. Hypothesis testing: Neyman-Pearson theory, UMP and unbiased tests, invariance, confidence sets, contiguous alternatives. Elements of stochastic processes: Poisson processes, renewal theory, Markov chains, martingales, Brownian motion. 4 units. | ||||||||
14096 | BIOS 765 - 001 Models and Methodology in Categorical Data | MoWe 11:15AM - 12:30PM | JOHN PREISSER | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0235 | 8/40 | Seats filled | 8/40 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 661, 663 and 665 or permission of instructor. Theory and application of methods for categorical data including maximum likelihood, estimating equations and chi-square methods for large samples, and exact inference for small samples. 3 units. | ||||||||
7503 | BIOS 767 - 001 Longitudinal Data Analysis | MoWe 9:05AM - 10:50AM | Tanya Garcia | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2308 | Seats filled | 26/40 | 26/40 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, BIOS 661 and 762; Permission of the instructor for nonmajors. Presents modern approaches to the analysis of longitudinal data. Topics include linear mixed effects models, generalized linear models for correlated data (including generalized estimating equations), computational issues and methods for fitting models, and dropout or other missing data. 4 units. | ||||||||
14097 | BIOS 782 - 001 Statistical Methods in Genetic Association Studies | TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM | DANYU LIN, YUN LI | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0230 | 16/25 | Seats filled | 16/25 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, BIOS 760. This course provides a comprehensive survey of the statistical methods for the designs and analysis of genetic association studies, including genome-wide association studies and next-generation sequencing studies. The students will learn the theoretical justifications for the methods as well as the skills to apply them to real studies. 3 units. | ||||||||
7504 | BIOS 841 - 001 Principles of Statistical Collaboration and Leadership | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Kevin Anstrom, KINH TRUONG | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2301 | Seats filled | 49/50 | 49/50 | 0/999 |
Description: An introduction to the statistical collaborative process and leadership skills. Emphasized topics include problem solving, study design, data analysis, ethical conduct, teamwork, career paths, data management, written and oral communication with scientists and collaborators. 3 units. | ||||||||
7505 | BIOS 843 - 001 Seminar in Biostatistics | Th 3:30PM - 4:30PM | Xihao Li, Didong Li | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0133 | Seats filled | 71/100 | 71/100 | 0/999 |
Description: This seminar course is intended to give students exposure to cutting edge research topics and hopefully help them in their choice of a thesis topic. It also allows the student to meet and learn from major researchers in the field. 1 units. | ||||||||
7551 | BIOS 992 - 001 Master's (Non-Thesis) | MoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PM | BAHJAT QAQISH, Baiming Zou | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1304 | 34/40 | Seats filled | 34/40 | 0/999 |
Description: 3 units. |