EXSS Courses

Here is information about EXSS class enrollment for spring 2025. Classes with no meeting time listed are not shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/issues. I am happy to add any departments that are missing from these listings, just reach out to ask!

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Data last updated: 2025-01-23 11:12:22.237656

Class Number Class Meeting Time Instructor Room Unreserved Enrollment Reserved Enrollment Total Enrollment Wait List
15176EXSS   12 - 001   Beginning Modern DanceTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMJill NeeWoollen Gym-Rm B017Seats filledSeats filled4/40/999
15188EXSS   13 - 001   Beginning Jazz DanceTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMJill NeeWoollen Gym-Rm B017Seats filledSeats filled4/40/999
11331EXSS  155 - 001   Human Anatomy and Physiology ITuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMKristin Ondrak,
Raed Alamri,
Dominic Willoughby
Manning Hall-Rm 0209Seats filledSeats filled180/1800/999
13623EXSS  155H - 01F   Human Anatomy and Physiology ITuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMKristin OndrakFetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled35/35 
2090EXSS  180 - 001   Physical Activity in Contemporary SocietyTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMAliza NedimyerFetzer Hall-Rm 0106Seats filledSeats filled55/550/999
2091EXSS  180 - 002   Physical Activity in Contemporary SocietyTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMAliza NedimyerFetzer Hall-Rm 0106Seats filledSeats filled55/550/999
10922EXSS  180 - 003   Physical Activity in Contemporary SocietyTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMOlufemi OluyedunWoollen Gym-Rm 0301Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
2109EXSS  181 - 001   Sport and Exercise PsychologyMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMJ D DeFreeseWoollen Gym-Rm 0304Seats filledSeats filled45/450/999
8512EXSS  181 - 002   Sport and Exercise PsychologyMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMJ D DeFreeseWilson Hall-Rm 0107Seats filledSeats filled95/950/999
9726EXSS  181 - 003   Sport and Exercise PsychologyTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMLing BeiseckerFetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled35/350/999
13637EXSS  181 - 004   Sport and Exercise PsychologyTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMOlufemi OluyedunWoollen Gym-Rm 0301Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
2163EXSS  220 - 001   Fitness ManagementTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMLee SchimmelfingWoollen Gym-Rm 03027/923/2630/350/999
2159EXSS  221 - 001   Introduction to Sport AdministrationMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMTony PattersonFetzer Hall-Rm 0109Seats filledSeats filled120/1200/999
11334EXSS  256 - 001   Human Anatomy and Physiology IITuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMKristin Ondrak,
Amber Schmitz,
Alexander Pomeroy
Carroll Hall-Rm 011152/75101/105153/1800/999
8520EXSS  265 - 001   Fundamentals of Sports MedicineTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMAlain AguilarFetzer Hall-Rm 0109Seats filled60/6298/1000/999
2142EXSS  273 - 001   Research in Exercise and Sport ScienceTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMDerek Monroe,
Danielle Teare
Woollen Gym-Rm 0304Seats filledSeats filled45/450/999
2143EXSS  273 - 002   Research in Exercise and Sport ScienceTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMAdam Kiefer,
Suraj Patel
Fetzer Hall-Rm 010412/1329/3041/430/999
8521EXSS  273 - 003   Research in Exercise and Sport ScienceTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMZachary KerrFetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled39/390/999
13624EXSS  273 - 004   Research in Exercise and Sport ScienceMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMJimikaye Courtney,
Kennedy Guess
Fetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
16349EXSS  273 - 005   Research in Exercise and Sport ScienceTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMZachary KerrWoollen Gym-Rm 0303Seats filledSeats filled39/390/999
2145EXSS  275L - 401   Human Anatomy LaboratoryMo 8:00AM - 9:50AMElaine ReicheFetzer Hall-Rm 0128Seats filledSeats filled16/160/999
2146EXSS  275L - 402   Human Anatomy LaboratoryFr 8:00AM - 9:50AMElaine ReicheFetzer Hall-Rm 0128Seats filledSeats filled16/160/999
2110EXSS  288 - 001   Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries and IllnessesMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMMeg PomerantzWoollen Gym-Rm 0301Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
2111EXSS  288 - 002   Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries and IllnessesMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMCaitlin BrinkmanWoollen Gym-Rm 0301Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
2112EXSS  288 - 003   Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries and IllnessesTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMeg PomerantzWoollen Gym-Rm 0301Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
3510EXSS  288 - 004   Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries and IllnessesTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMAlex NiliusWoollen Gym-Rm 0301Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
12344EXSS  290 - 001   Special Topics in EXSSMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMAngela PrattWoollen Gym-Rm 0302Seats filled16/3016/300/999
5270EXSS  322 - 001   Fundamentals of Sport MarketingMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMAngela PrattFetzer Hall-Rm 0106Seats filledSeats filled60/600/999
2160EXSS  323 - 001   Sport Facility and Event ManagementMoWe 3:30PM - 4:45PMJessica MurfreeWoollen Gym-Rm 03036/729/3335/400/999
11341EXSS  323 - 002   Sport Facility and Event ManagementTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMTony PattersonWoollen Gym-Rm 0304Seats filledSeats filled45/450/999
3218EXSS  324 - 001   Finance and Economics of SportTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMWayne McDonnellFetzer Hall-Rm 010938/39Seats filled59/600/999
2161EXSS  326 - 001   Legal Aspects of SportTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMBarbara OsborneFetzer Hall-Rm 0109Seats filled82/12082/1200/999
13788EXSS  330 - 001   Sociocultural Aspects of Sport and ExerciseMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMAngela PrattWoollen Gym-Rm 0302Seats filled23/3023/300/999
2165EXSS  360 - 001   Sports NutritionTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMAbbie Smith-RyanWoollen Gym-Rm 0303Seats filledSeats filled45/450/999
9329EXSS  366 - 001   Foundations of Sports Medicine RehabilationTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMKatie DeludeWoollen Gym-Rm 0302Seats filledSeats filled35/350/999
2166EXSS  376 - 001   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMERIK HANSONFetzer Hall-Rm 0106Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
13626EXSS  376 - 002   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMEric RyanFetzer Hall-Rm 0106Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
8522EXSS  376 - 003   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMAnthony HackneyFetzer Hall-Rm 0106Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
2167EXSS  376 - 401   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceMo 1:25PM - 3:15PMNicholas BuoncristianiTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
2168EXSS  376 - 402   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceMo 1:25PM - 3:15PMNicholas BuoncristianiTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
2169EXSS  376 - 403   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceMo 3:35PM - 5:25PMNicholas BuoncristianiTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
2170EXSS  376 - 404   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceMo 3:35PM - 5:25PMNicholas BuoncristianiTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
3576EXSS  376 - 405   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceWe 1:25PM - 3:15PMAiden ChauntryTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
3577EXSS  376 - 406   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceWe 1:25PM - 3:15PMAiden ChauntryTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
3578EXSS  376 - 407   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceWe 3:35PM - 5:25PMAiden ChauntryTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
3579EXSS  376 - 408   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceWe 3:35PM - 5:25PMAiden ChauntryTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
3766EXSS  376 - 409   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceTh 1:25PM - 3:15PMGuillermo PachecoTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
3767EXSS  376 - 410   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceTh 1:25PM - 3:15PMGuillermo PachecoTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
14592EXSS  376 - 411   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceTh 3:35PM - 5:25PMGuillermo PachecoTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
14593EXSS  376 - 412   Physiological Basis of Human PerformanceTh 3:35PM - 5:25PMGuillermo PachecoTBASeats filledSeats filled10/100/999
2147EXSS  380 - 001   Neuromuscular Control and LearningTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMErik WikstromWoollen Gym-Rm 0303Seats filledSeats filled50/500/999
13627EXSS  380H - 001   Neuromuscular Control and LearningTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMJohna MihalikWoollen Gym-Rm 030222/24Seats filled22/240/999
2155EXSS  385 - 001   Biomechanics of SportMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMMEREDITH PETSCHAUERFetzer Hall-Rm 0106Seats filledSeats filled50/500/999
2156EXSS  385 - 002   Biomechanics of SportMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMJustin DennisWoollen Gym-Rm 0303Seats filledSeats filled50/500/999
2172EXSS  408 - 001   Theory and Application of Strength Training and Conditioning for Fitness ProfessionalsTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMAlain AguilarWoollen Gym-Rm 0304Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
10144EXSS  409 - 001   Exercise Prescription for Special PopulationsMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMClaudio BattagliniFetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled30/300/999
11333EXSS  424 - 001   Sport Sales and Revenue Production SeminarMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMNels PoppWoollen Gym-Rm 0304Seats filledSeats filled50/500/999
15074EXSS  433L - 401   Exercise TechniqueMoWe 11:15AM - 12:05PMElena CantuLoudermilk Hall-Rm 100113/15Seats filled13/150/999
13936EXSS  475 - 001   Functional AnatomyTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMAliza NedimyerFetzer Hall-Rm 0106-11/030/4019/400/999
12415EXSS  581 - 001   Biopsychosocial Aspects of Sport InjuryTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMShelby BaezWoollen Gym-Rm 0301-1/0Seats filled39/400/999
8526EXSS  705 - 002   Research Design and MethodsFr 9:05AM - 10:20AMJimikaye CourtneyFetzer Hall-Rm 010415/35Seats filled15/350/999
8527EXSS  705 - 003   Research Design and MethodsFr 10:30AM - 11:45AMTroy BlackburnFetzer Hall-Rm 01048/15Seats filled8/150/999
15084EXSS  705 - 004   Research Design and MethodsTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMGena GerstnerFetzer Hall-Rm G4017/15Seats filled7/150/999
8530EXSS  705 - 005   Research Design and MethodsTu 11:00AM - 12:15PMTony PattersonWoollen Gym-Rm 030213/25Seats filled13/250/999
2157EXSS  735 - 001   Sports Medicine Analysis: Special Problems Related to Sports MedicineTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMercedes CunninghamTBA8/10Seats filled8/100/999
10141EXSS  744 - 001   Collegiate Sport MarketingMoWe 12:30PM - 1:45PMNels PoppWoollen Gym-Rm 0302Seats filledSeats filled10/100/999
8539EXSS  746 - 001   Organizational and Financial Management of SportMoWe 10:30AM - 11:45AMBradley BatesFetzer Hall-Rm 010413/15Seats filled13/150/999
2162EXSS  749 - 001   NCAA Governance and ComplianceTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMBarbara OsborneWoollen Gym-Rm 0205Seats filledSeats filled13/130/999
4253EXSS  751 - 001   Sport Administration Leadership Seminar IIMo 5:00PM - 7:00PMErianne WeightWoollen Gym-Rm 0301Seats filledSeats filled10/100/999