DRAM Courses

Here is information about DRAM class enrollment for spring 2025. Classes with no meeting time listed are not shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/issues. I am happy to add any departments that are missing from these listings, just reach out to ask!

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Data last updated: 2025-01-23 12:13:45.062197

Class Number Class Meeting Time Instructor Room Unreserved Enrollment Reserved Enrollment Total Enrollment Wait List
15192DRAM   12 - 001   Beginning Modern DanceTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMJill NeeWoollen Gym-Rm B01711/14Seats filled11/140/999
15189DRAM   13 - 001   Beginning Jazz DanceTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMJill NeeWoollen Gym-Rm B01713/14Seats filled13/140/999
12224DRAM   80 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Psychology of Clothes: Motivations for Dressing Up and Dressing DownTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMPamela BondGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
13299DRAM   83 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Spectacle in the TheatreTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMDAVID NAVALINSKYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 012523/24Seats filled23/24 
1422DRAM  115 - 001   Perspectives in DramaMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMJim Bray,
Elizabeth Dye
Chapman Hall-Rm 020183/180Seats filled83/1800/999
1551DRAM  115 - 002   Perspectives in DramaMoWeFr 2:30PM - 3:20PMJim Bray,
Kris Kingsolver
Howell Hall-Rm 011525/120Seats filled25/1200/999
1423DRAM  116 - 001   Perspectives in the Theatre: Page to StageMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMAubrey Snowden,
Jillian Gregory,
Jessica Land
Chapman Hall-Rm 0201144/150Seats filled144/1500/999
10331DRAM  116 - 002   Perspectives in the Theatre: Page to StageMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMAubrey Snowden,
Jadah Johnson,
Amanda Apony-Moriarty,
Zachary Morrison,
Jack Roark
Hanes Art Center-Rm 012176/150Seats filled76/1500/999
10332DRAM  120 - 002   Play AnalysisTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMMARK PERRYAlumni Bldg-Rm 020717/35Seats filled17/350/999
4208DRAM  120 - 003   Play AnalysisMo 9:05AM - 11:35AMJacqueline LawtonGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled18/180/999
12733DRAM  120 - 005   Play AnalysisTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010544/45Seats filled44/450/999
3426DRAM  120 - 01F   Play AnalysisTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMMARK PERRYAlumni Bldg-Rm 020730/35Seats filled30/35 
8829DRAM  135 - 001   Acting for NonmajorsTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMSamuel GatesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0250Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
3167DRAM  135 - 002   Acting for NonmajorsMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMMengwe WapimewahGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled18/180/999
4996DRAM  135 - 003   Acting for NonmajorsMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMMatthew DonahueGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled16/160/999
5302DRAM  135 - 004   Acting for NonmajorsMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMJim BrayGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0102Seats filledSeats filled16/160/999
13290DRAM  140 - 001   Voice Training ITuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMTia JamesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0102Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
13291DRAM  140 - 002   Voice Training ITuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMGwendolyn SchwinkeGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010214/16Seats filled14/160/999
1452DRAM  150 - 001   Beginning Acting for the MajorTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMJeffrey CornellGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
14979DRAM  155 - 001   Movement for the ActorTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMRachel HynesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled12/120/999
13292DRAM  170 - 001   The Playful Actor: Theatre Games and ImprovisationTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMJULIA GIBSONGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010313/14Seats filled13/140/999
16302DRAM  170 - 002   The Playful Actor: Theatre Games and ImprovisationFr 11:15AM - 1:45PMJULIA GIBSONGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010213/14Seats filled13/140/999
1424DRAM  191 - 001   Technical Methods: SceneryMoWeFr 1:25PM - 3:15PMWilliam ErnstPaul Green Theater-Rm 02299/12Seats filled9/120/999
1425DRAM  192 - 001   Technical Methods: CostumeMoWeFr 1:25PM - 3:20PMBailey DoranGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled8/80/999
9595DRAM  192 - 002   Technical Methods: CostumeMoWeFr 1:25PM - 3:20PMBailey DoranGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled8/80/999
1429DRAM  193 - 001   Production PracticumMoWe 5:45PM - 6:35PMLaura PatesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010529/36Seats filled29/360/999
11272DRAM  230 - 001   Theatre of the WordTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMRachel HynesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010411/15Seats filled11/150/999
14455DRAM  230 - 002   Theatre of the WordMoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PMRachel HynesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010310/15Seats filled10/150/999
11273DRAM  245 - 001   Acting for the CameraTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMSamuel GatesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled12/120/999
12222DRAM  277 - 002   Introduction to Theatrical DesignTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMDAVID NAVALINSKYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0125Seats filledSeats filled15/150/999
11270DRAM  283 - 001   Theatre History and Literature IIITuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMAdam VersenyiGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02446/15Seats filled6/150/999
11283DRAM  285 - 001   Modern British DramaMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010515/45Seats filled15/450/999
13293DRAM  288 - 001   Theatre for Social ChangeMo 1:25PM - 3:55PMJacqueline LawtonGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled18/180/999
2663DRAM  290 - 001   Special Topics in Dramatic ArtWe 9:10AM - 11:40AMDAVID NAVALINSKYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02084/12Seats filled4/120/999
12234DRAM  290 - 004   Special Topics in Dramatic ArtMoWe 3:35PM - 5:00PMDouglas HallGillings Dramatic A-Rm 01029/12Seats filled9/120/999
2907DRAM  292 - 001   "Corner of the Sky": The American MusicalTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010543/45Seats filled43/450/999
4632DRAM  300 - 001   DirectingTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMAubrey SnowdenGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010315/16Seats filled15/160/999
11276DRAM  331 - 001   Playwriting IIWe 1:25PM - 3:55PMMARK PERRYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 01043/12Seats filled3/120/999
14995DRAM  334 - 001   Theatrical AuditionsTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMDouglas HallGillings Dramatic A-Rm 01027/12Seats filled7/120/999
8658DRAM  350 - 001   Advanced Acting for the MajorTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMJeffrey CornellGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
12226DRAM  467 - 001   Costume Design ITuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMPamela BondGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled12/120/999
13263DRAM  470 - 001   Survey of Costume HistoryWeFr 8:35AM - 9:55AMErin WestTBA3/12Seats filled3/120/999
13294DRAM  488 - 001   United States Latino/a TheatreTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMAdam VersenyiGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02448/15Seats filled8/150/999
13295DRAM  586 - 001   Costume Seminars I: Dyeing and PaintingWeFr 10:05AM - 12:05PMRachel PollockGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
10070DRAM  666 - 001   Media in PerformanceMoWe 9:05AM - 10:20AMTao Wang,
Joseph Megel
Swain Hall-Rm 01106/10Seats filled6/100/999
10959DRAM  691H - 001   Honors Project in Dramatic ArtWe 1:25PM - 2:25PMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02150/1Seats filled0/10/999
1421DRAM  692H - 001   Honors Project in Dramatic ArtFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02151/2Seats filled1/20/999
13297DRAM  721 - 001   Acting IIWeFr 9:15AM - 12:10PMTia JamesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
13298DRAM  723 - 001   Voice IITuTh 11:20AM - 12:45PMGwendolyn SchwinkeGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0101Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
15407DRAM  725 - 001   Movement IITuTh 9:00AM - 11:10AMFlora BareGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0101Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
13932DRAM  727 - 001   Rehearsal and Performance IITuWeThFrSa 1:00PM - 6:00PMVivienne BeneschGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0250Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
14981DRAM  752 - 001   Special Studies: Costume Production III: TailoringTuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled5/50/999
1447DRAM  762 - 001   Costume Construction IV: Advanced Pattern MakingMo 10:15AM - 12:15PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled2/20/999
1448DRAM  764 - 001   Costume Construction V: Creative DrapingMo 9:45AM - 10:15AMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled2/20/999
14987DRAM  770 - 001   Period Pattern I: Pre-VictorianTu 10:15AM - 12:15PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02474/5Seats filled4/50/999
14984DRAM  775 - 001   Costume Construction IITu 10:15AM - 12:15PMErin WestGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02473/5Seats filled3/50/999
1449DRAM  791 - 001   Costume Laboratory IIMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:00PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02473/7Seats filled3/70/999
1450DRAM  793 - 001   Costume Laboratory IVMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:00PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02472/7Seats filled2/70/999
10341DRAM  801 - 001   Technical Direction IITuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AMMichael RolleriGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02220/5Seats filled0/50/999
11277DRAM  803 - 001   Advanced Technical Direction IITuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 02292/5Seats filled2/50/999
10342DRAM  805 - 001   Special Studies: Technical ProductionMoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02220/5Seats filled0/50/999
1426DRAM  813 - 001   Special Studies: Technical ProductionTuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 01172/5Seats filled2/50/999
11280DRAM  814 - 001   Professional Theater Laboratory: Technical ProductionMoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PMTao Wang,
Laura Pates
Paul Green Theater-Rm 02292/5Seats filled2/50/999
10460DRAM  821 - 001   Advanced Lighting DesignMoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 02290/5Seats filled0/50/999
11279DRAM  830 - 001   Seminar in Professional Practice: Technical ProductionTuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 02292/5Seats filled2/50/999
10461DRAM  842 - 001   M.F.A /Technical Theatre Practicum IIMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:30PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 01170/5Seats filled0/50/999
11281DRAM  844 - 001   M.F.A./Technical Practicum IVMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:30PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 01172/5Seats filled2/50/999
3763DRAM  845 - 001   Design Technical InternshipTuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AMMichael RolleriGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0M072/5Seats filled2/50/999
12242DRAM  992 - 002   Master's Final PracticumMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:00PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02472/7Seats filled2/70/999